
Man, I am surprised the local police here don't write tickets for that. The parks close at night and if they see you in the parks during a helicopter patrol (because there literally is no other crime to deal with in the city), it will stay, blast you with the light and order you out of the park.

Real Racing 3, as much as people hated the MTX stuff, looked as polished as a AAA racing title on console.

Bacon's use/ruin of the beef tenderloin, scallop, etc. has been used by establishments as insurance against bad cooking/covering up incompetence. I blame black angus or whatever for tricking people into thinking that wrapping bacon around food makes it luxurious. They are just too cheap to use fat netting.

I know, he lists all of the monster cereals with the exception of Fruit Brute? Is he a racist or something?

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I would try this on that guy, but he probably is a proud supporter of open carry laws and would shoot me.

Wouldn't Kirstie Ally be the opposite of that since she talented, popular, and attractive until she gave up coke.

Wouldn't inserting your own views into the conversation, when talking with your elementary school age kids, cause a conflict if they are less strict than zero tolerance?

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You say that now... but then at 2 AM you're faced with nightmare clown laughing and noting how he has the best prices.

If you have vision benefits where you work, you might go to the optometrist and get a pair made that works for you. You don't need to have a need for glasses to take advantage of your benefits.

Wouldn't the cost not be zero to Sony though? Aren't there things like royalties that need to be paid out for every copy that reaches consumers?

If you called it a "two story dance pole" would that pass muster?

It is only cheating if you get caught, otherwise it is just being awesome.

Not necessarily, if you're looking for google to answer a question for you without you having to do any form of work (such as asking it to do a conversion for you) that would be cheating. If you are asking for info on how to perform a task (even if you are asking for the best method) it isn't cheating unless

They also really need to spend the extra money (or just roll it into someone's duties) to keep their social media and homepage updated. Other than the visual change for the new game and stuff from the day they announced the title last year, nothing has changed in over 4 years with the exception of one or two new jobs

They were the devs behind the mobile titles, which I think have been the only games that Ready at Dawn has published. I'm still keeping the faith for them, but I have a feeling this will not be a landmark title.

Because they would have to pay a lot of money for it, which they may not be able to afford on their own. Disney wouldn't be charging them based on the current value to their org, but rather the projected value of what a new game would be worth. Additionally, they would much rather license it out, so that they get a

Nah, it's Juggalo Ketchup since dude-bros love it too.

The over-use of it has shifted my view of it from hot-sauce to Juggalo Ketchup.

You can use goats milk from what I am seeing, but coconut oil might not work since it wouldn't bring the same flavor. Try goat butter?

Because it is spread thinner/has more direct contact with the cooking surface, the mixture will heat faster. With custards if it heats too fast/gets too hot the proteins will coagulate incorrectly, which is usually why you use a narrower pan.