
I think one of the biggest problems with modern point and click games is that they seem to have everything to solve the puzzle in the room with you, so there is no mystery/hunting. At the same time that also means you aren't going to have to backtrack the entire game to realize you forgot to pick up the turtle treats

I am always pissed when I am in meetings where you have to destroy (throw in the giant shredder box) all papers at the end of the meeting. Those are when I seem to have the best drawings.

Hmmm... I would probably need to go to your butcher and check the ribs out myself (as well as the beef's diet) since the ribs have a normal level of fat on them but in all the years I have been purchasing those and veal shanks, they haven't been a problem. Sometimes, when people comment on the meat being too fatty,

Not sure, in some recipes I have seen part way, some say just to cover (it will reduce down as cooked) but neither would be boiling since the heat isn't high enough and the meat is not really swimming in it. But if your ribs are fork tender (if you have to use a knife they need more braise!) then you're still good.

Wow... most of the stuff in the meats category I have never heard of. I need to get invited to more adventurous dip parties.

Hmmm... I see a lack of space so you probably can't do this, but when I cook mine the bone side is facing up, just to make sure the meat stays in the liquid at all times. When you put them in the oven, are they totally submerged by the liquid?

You mean bone-in? If so, it's mostly the same steps. Sear, sauce, braise, etc. But when you get to the braise part you want the bone side (the non-meaty side) on top.

It depends on what you are doing with it mostly. If you are making a ragu or a dish like this, you can cook the ribs, and when you pull them out you can trim them as you shred the meat.

I wonder if this would work (or even fly with Apple/Google) if they are giving away a product for free, that serves as a game demo for a product you would buy outside of the mobile marketplace?

Cornstarch thickened water also makes a great suspension fluid for compounds you want to stick to certain surfaces. Such as adding citric acid and using it to dissolve limescale from shower doors.

I have a feeling that my butcher just trims them way leaner for some reason. Getting meaty ribs (at least from my place) isn't difficult, but I have seen some places where there is just so much inedible parts that you need a ton of ribs for a meal.

Nice, I will have to give boneless short ribs another shot. The local butcher shop I go to has them, but they are either not as fatty as normal ones or that bone releases enough fat/marrow into the cooking liquid. When I tried making my "Kogi-Style" tacos with them instead of my usual ones, that slight change in fat

With the way he treated her, wouldn't it become a Disney-style evil step mother, complete with musical numbers and fairy godparents?

You are totally in the credits, we just need a little more money to get it onto steam. Just send us your bank account number and routing number and we will make sure the world sees your name in the part of the game that is skipped/used as a bathroom break.

I'm not sure I would call a system with a high failure to deliver rate of a system with no accountability nor any form of reimbursement for when someone takes the money and runs, "insane" so much as expected. Since Kickstarter doesn't have the knowledge or desire to become system that distributes when milestones are

Very true that this isn't their own novel concept, but in regards to not putting it up online... the sites need content so they make a shit-ton of filler. Otherwise they probably would be a blog with a single article on it. Even the gawker family posts their own articles again from time to time.

Are you saying men can't be engineers to?! (Kidding)

Outsourced labor is a huge pain, having worked at places that use Romania, I can tell you that (generally speaking) what it costs for a week's pay for a worker here (and lets pretend they are only getting pay and no benefits) you can get 2-3 guys in Romania doing the same job for a month. And labor laws are very

Back in the day? It's EA, they (and pretty much anyone that works there) still are treated bad. The employees sued them because of the poor work/life balance, and won. This is also probably why man companies have adopted the Temp Full-Time system for positions that would not normally be contract since their duties are

Wow... just wow... The stuff on the work one is topical to the stuff that we do ("Lets make a process that reduces render times by utilizing...") but that site is like every pet project of every bored office worker.