Restaurants do, and since it has so many preservatives (salt, sugar, vinegar) it is not that easy for mold to grow on it.
Restaurants do, and since it has so many preservatives (salt, sugar, vinegar) it is not that easy for mold to grow on it.
Hmmm... I am not sure if it will show up on a drug screen, but pee into this cup and we will figure out what to do with you after we replace Guy Fierre's red bull with garlic fiend piss. Also you should check out places like Savory Spice Shop (they are online and have stores) for cheaper and fresher spices.
Probably genocide, but I would imagine you would need to throw in a years subscription to XBL at that point.
Now they just brag on facebook, so you don't even have to wait for a person to come forward to claim the reward to find a suspect.
Well if you want to eat chili garlic sauce like a man rather than a man-child, use Sambol Oleck, it doesn't come in a squeeze bottle and you have to use a spoon like an adult.
Only time any form of non-fresh garlic should ever appear is if you are doing a dry rub and using granulated garlic. Even then I would say use fresh and make it a wet rub.
It is like Brian and Gabe Newell had a baby...
Are you opposed to using a logical paradox to make robots heads explode?
They could also be a robot, since only machines use spray lube, and therefore never alive and incapable of death.
European Migas or Tex-mex Migas? One of these things are not better.
Are there people who really do scramble their raw eggs up the night before? Are they so totally useless in the morning/expect to not have full use of their wrists that they need to do this step early?
Considering it is a league thing, they may not have not been even involved in the licensing of said goods meaning the league itself was the one handling it. If you notice, with many team branded goods, they are all done by the same company. So, if you were to challenge it as a player at best they would come back with…
But they would still be correct with their question (and not on a slight technicality) since the Seattle Mariners did not produce said gloves but most likely licensed the team name to Wilson (or other companies) to produce the gloves. Similar to how one could mistake Marvel branded slot machines being "Disney Made…
Ah, what did they do with gloves? If you were in that position you could have fought it and been given a second chance at a later date to continue from that spot. Hopefully ending up better off than those people on million dollar money drop who were given the second chance but the show was cancelled before they could…
It kind of sticks out compared to the others, the other 3 have higher rates of repeat business while baseball gloves would not. That actually stems from some GRE training stuff they had us do so we could answer standardized tests without having to read the questions (which also shows how they are complete bullshit in…
Probably he will just use whatever value the coins were exchanged at since the DMV only cares about greenbacks. Since the IRS and DMV don't share information that freely, he probably will be faced with the same level of scrutiny that anyone registering a high end car has.
If the systems were linked up, they probably would. But I think it would require a tip from someone who knew and the DMV lady is not about to give a damn about it unless the guy was giving her sass.
I am kind of surprised that a dealership (even used car dealers) would be able to take the currency considering all the paperwork you have to fill out. If I recall, part of all the damn paperwork is for DHS stuff since I was paying cash for my new car and I still needed to provide references.
Apple actually doesn't do that, but google play is becoming as big a bitch as apple in terms of how strict things are for submission and how you promote the product. I think the reason that companies also start off on iTunes first is that even though the install base of the Android OS is much greater, there are just…
Knowing the way the police generally operate, odds are they will not get to that point because they will perpetually be trying to up the number of active personnel and stuff like that will give them a little more juice when making their requests.