
If you were somehow tricked into cooking for a large group and needed a fuck-ton of something sweet fast. You could probably take the topping from this, core your apples, take some peel off the top (so that the topping will have something to stick to), place topping inside and on top of said apples, and bake.

Brown Sugar Pie is essentially what a Shoo-fly pie is, that is also what a Chess Pie or syrup pie is.

That isn't entirely true, at least you can use fruit cake as a doorstop, golf ball, or trebuchet ammo.

It is the fat from around the kidneys of cows. Does it still count as meat since there is no lean tissue and it is basically un-rendered lard.

Rhubarb needs to be way lower on this list, below pecan, below "molested by a priest" even. As a child I ordered a piece in a cafeteria, thinking it was cherry, and my life has been forever impacted by it.

I guess it is nice, if you want the pedestrian cousin to the Boysenberry