Publish, me?

She might have cared more about Nicole being rich.

Mayor Fouts needs to shut all-the-way the fuck up.

I had metastatic testicular cancer about 10 years ago, which resulted in a surgical scar from my pelvis to my sternum. I beat the cancer, and contemplated a decoration for a couple years. For some reason, a working lunch turned down this road, and I told my boss at the time that I was going to get an alien tattooed,

If you’re not uber rich, boats are terrible investments and I all but guarantee the majority of owners whose boats sank were not well to do. You wasted your life earnings on dock slips, winterizing/maintenance, general upkeep and fuel only to watch it go Titanic on you due to the wake created other, bigger boats.

Absolutely. I’d add that they’d also benefit from performing a version of their, uh, ‘chosen’ ethnicity that’s calculated to get very particular reactions from white people. Just ‘ethnic’ enough to be appealing without making anybody uncomfortable, unless there’s a benefit to making somebody uncomfortable. It’s really

Order six in a Cumber Batch.

That’s the next big idea: A cucumber sandwich based food truck. Order six in a Cumber Batch.

There’s something about this letter that comes off as almost....proud(?) of how much influence they think they have over their ex. Couching it in self flagellation is adding victimhood to narcissism.

Wow there are really dumb motherfuckers in the grays trying to pretend that go karts (which are carival rides) are on par with road rage on actual roads with cars and that this child assaulted this cave beast with the go kart.

Stuffed the bottle of pills in her underwear, ehh?

You just have no concept of what these poor boys suffer. Don’t you know that the world was supposed to recognize their greatness in the cradle and reward them with millions of dollars and a perfect 10 who would still be happy to have threesomes on command? That didn’t happen, and it was a travesty.

He is actually more disturbing than Carson, Thomas, and that joke in Georgia who spoke night 1. I loathe him inasmuch as I cannot even have a begrudging respect for him. How dare he show his face and give that speech about being a free thinker when an EMT worker was murdered by police in her own home on his watch with

The only thing I hate more than the Chrysler 300, is this monster.

Thede leveled up when she scored her own late-night talk show and variety series on BET, The Rundown With Robin Thede.

Congrats to her!

That isn’t the logic that is followed. The logic (to them) is as follows:

They don’t really... “get”... humour, do they?

Exactly. I’ve met host families who love their exchange students more than this woman cares about her “son”.

Ugh I had flashbacks of the Hart family - the two mothers who adopted Black children only to abuse them psychologically and physically, and then murder them by driving off a cliff.

If you’re white and thinking of adopting a child of color, please (a) go jump in a volcano or (b) do about 20 years of anti-racist work on yourself first. Brown and black babies aren’t here to be your playthings, your excuse for your shitty opinions on race, and they don’t need your white savior complex.