I'm both super stoked for this and a little sad. Sometimes things are left better as legends.
Immediately upon finally reaching the top of the ladder, I pondered. I stood there considering my options; move on and have a nagging uncertainty pulling at the back of my mind, or just do it and know for sure, but pay the consequences.
Blah, blah, blah. Wrong Gabe.
Although I agree that mixing sex and violence is pretty abhorrent, I don't really agree with this article at all. There is a difference between nudity and sexuality. Unfortunately, America's puritanical stance on sex has warped it's citizens minds into confusing the two at all times. I don't see the nudity in…
Finding an arcade machine with someone else's credit remaining and getting the high score?
Sounds like he played Kid Icarus: Uprising for an hour.
Yourself included?
Damn it, I was REALLY hoping for a 3DS sequel!
I assume that if they release the Wii U version now and release for PS3/Xbox 306 later, some gamers would have a hard time paying $60 for a port of a 7 month old game, pressuring Ubi to cut the price. By making the release simultaneous, $60 all the way around.
"at first wanted to know what was going on. Then I decided I really didn't care enough to finish finding out."
I've wanted to build a ball clock in LittleBigPlanet for a long while now, but I can't think of a good reason to.
I don't really find it to be an issue, but I am waiting still for variable progressive resistance to be developed for analog sticks and triggers.
can't stop ... laughing...!
No joke, that is the exact same thing I thought when I saw in on WaraWara Plaza.