Can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.
Awesome article! It felt a little like reading your supposed personality traits based off of your astrological sign or Chinese zodiac. I know exactly what I'm not, but I have traits that match many of the categories. Cool read!
Yeah, that smirk says "I got away with murder"
I recognize the actor playing the clerk, but can't place him...little help?
They always use Donkey Kong 2600 sound effects on TV as a generic 'video game' sound effect. Even if the actor is playing a Super Nintendo.
Check out OnLive as well. 30 min. demos of over one hundred games.
It will only show up if the website determines that you are close enough to one of Gaikai's servers to allow a solid and fast connection.
"The excellent Batman: Arkham City is now on sale for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and we want you to have the best possible time with it."
According to the store display, you might not actually have to open the packaging to use the toy, try it out first!
I love the Alone in the Dark reboot. I have both next gen versions and played through the PS2 version.
Beat it!
Okay, I'll spell it out. He wasn't saying that "Canada" was redundant. He was saying that Ontario, Canada is a large area, why not narrow the field by explaining location based on cities or towns, i.e. in Hamilton, or near Ottawa in Ontario, Canada.
Like Genesis games? Gametap
That was my second thought. Good stuff!
Nicely done.
But will it run Crysis?