
I did that too. Sometimes I just skipped the show because really his recaps were everything I needed. I miss him.

Ok and considering the face that these are incidents she’s been able to share with People, I’m assuming they’ve been found to be factual and true by the court. IMAGINE the horrible stuff she couldn’t prove and document? I’ve been the defendant in a custody case (we won) but it would never even had been a fight in the

My twins just turned 2 and husband and I officially decided that the night the hospital surprise forced me to room with them was hands down the worst fucking night we’ve ever had with twin infants. These were my fourth and fifth babies so besides some older wiser nurses who would go through the motions of giving me

Just looking at those long tight sleeves, my pits are cold and sweating.

It was EXACTLY because of that crop top wedding dress. Big red flag that she had not one girlfriend to sit her down and say NO. NO. You cannot wear this crop top wedding dress. I won’t let you do this to yourself.

Double fist bumps, fist pumps, high fives down low AND up high to your recovery! I am betting you really do have a good 2017.

That is seriously scary! And why didn't your scrapes start bleeding right away?

I'm fascinated that she's functioning as a real person. I'm not being sarcastic at all. With those eyes!

Ramona is one of those rare people that cannot get high without ruining it for everyone. You’d think she’d be cool but nah, she’s hiding in the bathroom texting you asking if anyone is talking about her. Meanwhile, all your friends are like what’s wrong with your friend? Why won’t she come out of the bathroom? And you

You are a good friend. 20 years ago my friend came with me and gave all the protestors the finger as we were leaving. We are still great friends and remember the moment as a bright spot on a pretty crappy day.

I buy clothes from thrift and resell- I always pass by Ivanka’s line because it's shit. Even if it's in perfect, never worn condition and in my size. I'll be out five bucks and stuck with a Trump product. Another reason I pass is because ew, fuck those people. Your momma did a good job!

Mostly I was led to some torrid story about some Christian metal guy who tried to have his wife killed via an undercover cop posing as a hit man. And also this image came up and I saved it because why not?

The best of google image search of “metal musician with wife on fur” was this:

Now I have to google image search “metal guy with wife on fur rug”. I’m a garbage person for this but wish me luck!


You can't deny she looked totally dressed to be making some wedding vows though.

I’m an awful person because I stopped everything I was doing (eating chips) the moment I saw Melania’s dress to come to Jezebel comments, in hopes that someone is talking about those giant white balls of pouf for cuffs? Adornment? Why? What if she gets hungry and wants chips and salsa? Seeing a finely dressed,

No! I don't want them to get it together, it's so much better this way.

“Bagina” must be universal for 3 year olds. My almost 3 year old son can’t get over the fact that his 14 month old twin sisters don’t have penises. He’s my third boy but my first creative child that makes his penis talk like a puppet.” Oh look here’s Penis! He wants to say hello! Helloooooo! Did you have a nice day

Yes. In this situation I get very upset because this particular time it was NOT true and it served to perpetuate the idea that almost all women were uplaying the system. I personally was trying to get a restraining order at the time from the same police department and it was really difficult. Took me two years of