
Those aren’t people (despite what SCOTUS says) with children.

“Is the complexity of the dissolution of marriage between multiple parties enough cause to keep it illegal?”

(1) There’s nothing barring consenting adults from doing what they want now, they just can’t do it in a way that brings the state into it in terms of ensuring and managing property rights and responsibilities.

In fairness, most men think a harem of women is that they would be sexually served....the reality would be 100 women getting their periods at the same time and all being pissed off because you couldn’t please them or pay attention to them.

Would you actually want to have a sex cult in Utah? Only been to the state once, but even if you took all the wackadoodles out of the state, it isn’t my idea of paradise....

I have dibs on Tom Hiddleston.

FTR, as someone whose been in the legal trenches on divorce, child custody, probate, etc.

Because if you allow more than 2:

“shouldn’t they just try piggy backing on the legalization of gay marriage? I feel like it gets dicey when it comes to things like spousal benefits and tax deductions”

And foreigners. Not used in some countries. Barbaric, backwards countries like England. /sarcasm