Tops Blooby

This got dark fast.

I'm picturing talking my boss through passing a kidney stone, and now I wish I were dead.

"He could be OK" from Groundhog Day. Used after any death on TV.

"You oughta take up whittlin'!" — gets a lot of mileage in our house. Useful whenever someone says something even mildly controversial or liable to start an argument

That, or the Kids in the Hall's "voodoo pork".

We use this all the time at my house when someone does something dumb. Which happens….quite a lot.

My husband's standard response to being asked to do something new is, "But I hate what I don't understand!"

I got my head stuck in the bars on that thing at my 6th birthday party. Ahh, memories…..

This made my day.

Worse than Tom Haverford? Outrageous.

I feel like the show walks this difficult line, not always well. It'd be a hard sell to show class relations as they really would have been — the Granthams have to be chummy to a degree with the staff to make them likable to a modern audience. But they go so far that they often sort of negate (not the word I want

AND looking exactly the same age, AND still rocking the 1890s corsetry.

I had my kids at 29 and 31; never wanted them earlier, would have been OK putting it off a few more years. But in retrospect, THANK JEEBUS I didn't wait longer. I'm 36 and fucking exhausted. I don't know how I'd handle starting with a newborn right now. I certainly don't want to chase toddlers when I'm 40.

When my grandfather's 96-year-old sister died, everyone was worried about telling him. (He was 91). When my mom finally broke the news, he asked, "She was 96?" "Yes, Dad." His response: "Well, it's about goddamned time."

The police station scene mentioned in the article: the way Raul Julia's frustration and rage mounts is amazing.

I'm a college professor. I've had students plagiarize from Yahoo! Answers. I wish I were joking.

Precisely. I've only recently discovered that people 5 or so years younger than me love that movie the way people my age love The Goonies. I just saw Hook again recently and I still don't get it.

They are bred to be lap dogs, so they are, yes, totally selfish and care only for comfort. This is what makes them awesome.

Unlike with James, we got a backstory for Root Beer Guy. It's not like AT has never done episodes focused on random characters: "Thank You" is an early (and excellent) example.

YES, a thousand times. This whole thread has me yelling, "UNRELIABLE NARRATOR TED!" in my head. I mean, this is a show that had Teen Wolf show up as a member of a kids' basketball team. And Barney got a woman into bed by pretending to be from the future….and commenters are seriously discussing whether this is rape?