I wear floor length dresses a lot because I’m not super tall, and I will pick up my hem in a variety of circumstances, but if I walked around NYC and went down the subway stairs and my dress was touching that, I would have to just burn the clothes and scour myself in Lysol and Magic Eraser.
But I know
C’mon, didn’t you know that there’s always a woman to blame?
it’s all a rich tapestry of misogyny?
Temple University announced Friday that in light of Bill Cosby’s conviction on sexual assault charges, the…
He openly admits that he was glad he didn’t have to compete with women for jobs back in the day. He’s basically upset that now he *does* have to compete with them. Eyeroll.
No, he really is that stupid.
Exactly. Historically more qualified women or people of color were passed over for less qualified white men, AND it was more difficult for women and people of color to *become* qualified in the first place because they were always passed over. What he fails to see (or he sees it but won’t acknowledge it) is that…
Yeah? Show me anything comparable that she said or fuck off.
Even if you take out Dylan’s accusations (and I believe her) he developed a sexual relationship with his longtime girlfriends daughter whom he had known since she was a child. That is the sort of thing that will kill a public career, yet most people seemed to think it was a little creepy, but okay at the time. Why…
Great movies? Really? I think that’s generous.
Thank you for tearing this fucking BS down point by fucking point.
As someone who would be awed by “Finding Dory on Ice”-people jumping around on knives, holy shit–I need some…
Rebecca, hello! Two things:
Where in the hell did anyone compare rape to sexual assault? And... it’s not the oppression Olympics. I’m very sorry that happened to you— but it has nothing to do with what happened to her and there’s no point in you comparing them. You’re not achieving anything other than seemingly trying to shut her up about her…
*snort* We already are even if she doesn’t realize it. She says “it was meant to be ironic and funny and extreme.” You know who else uses that as an out, chick? Trolls. And trolls are by and large just bullies with keyboard anonymity.
“Let’s be crystal clear about something: You fly and/or celebrate that flag, you’re a bully. That flag came to be a popular symbol during the breakdown of segregation to bully blackness and everyone who believed in one, undivided America, whether people today realize that or not. And most of them do.”
I’ve come to realize that explaining to Southerners why their affinity for The Lost Cause is problematic is, in fact, a lost cause.