topo texicano

Not as long as you think, considering where Roger likes to eat:

I’d share my warriors league pass with anyone who wants to watch. Last year when curry was going off every game it was the most entertaining basketball I’ve ever seen an every NBA fan deserves to watch.

“Mike Pence? He couldn’t even get elected Vice President! Sad.”

He did nothing but practice against other college players while in Cleveland.


This is essentially like pulling out when she is 37 weeks pregnant. It’s a tad too late.

This one time, there was a huge possum sitting on my backyard fence, and I side-armed a tennis ball right at it and knocked it off. Pretty sure I had that same goofy grin on my face. That was my World Series.

On the bright side, they missed out on this election too

My grandfather died without ever having seen the cubs win the world series. So, my Dad, ever the crazy asshole he is, brought a radio out on the porch so gramps could listen in from heaven. We all thought he was going out there to jack off, but nope he was going out there to be with his Dad, which I thought was sweet.

+1 Phthalo Blue

“I looked around the room and everyone had their heads down. And I said no.”

“Of course she can’t offer immunity to football players, that’s what nanobubbles are for!”
-Russell Wilson

The “Hillary Clinton” = “Lady MacBeth” line of thinking has always been strong in the public consciousness. When a man does something wrong, it’s because a woman is to blame. Like that time Eve made Adam eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge.


“...some dipshit commenter...”


Between the human asshole that is Donald, an actual Weiner, and reminders of Bill’s inability to keep it in his pants, it has never been clearer why we need more women in power.

We are currently in the “cigarette filter” era of football.

Whenever I hear someone go , “But why now? Why all these women now?” Let me use my experience and simple rational logic to explain WHY NOW.

I can see that if this basically works by reducing the stress on your immune system it could have a beneficial effect on conditions like psoriasis. If you chill the immune system out a little by making it do less constant work, maybe it's less likely to kick into overdrive and attack your skin?