
Put another way: “We’re not being more harsh on them, they’re just worse.” Which I suspect is Burneko’s circular logic.

[Pizza Hut, 5:30 PM]

“Obnoxious and despicable are better than boring.”

Not a fan of Bush myself, but you lose your point of insulting blind support when you also say “stole an election.” All results that I have seen from both partisan and unpartisan sources involved in the counting or checking the counting show that Bush had more votes in the Florida counties regardless of how hanging

Look at that 12 to 6 curve!

You know, I’ve heard fucktards saying that shit forever, but I have yet to see where the US actually controls any of that oil. You guys just parrot that shit and know fuck all about any of it.

You’re a fool, worse yet you think you know what you’re talking about. Who do you think controls the oil in Iraq? For everyone that thinks that the United States/Western culture was so awful to the vast majority of the middle east, please explain why there is currently a mass migration of people leaving the tyrannical

There’s the door!

Reading now. Looking for the part where Deadspin calls him a war criminal for the killing of American citizens with drones.

It’s a little tasteless to speak for all New Yorkers with respect to what they found most meaningful post-9/11. I’m fervently anti-Bush, but I can also acknowledge that lots of Americans found his leadership (and his first pitch) comforting in the wake of the most traumatic event in the country’s history.

If something doesn’t match up with some people’s political views completely then they throw a hissy fit. I’ll never understand that type of mentality.

This article could not be a bigger, more petulant, wet blanket. I voted against him twice (yes, it was a vote against him), and obviously don’t view his presidency favorably. But he was awesome in the few months following 9/11, and this moment was a highlight (when I/we still needed one) that still gives me chills.

Can someone link me to Deadspin’s article each time President Obama does his NCAA bracket on SportsCenter?