Hey, can you facilitate my marriage to my boyfriend, please? Also, get me on his insurance plan, let me see him in the hospital when he's ill, let me legally be father to his children, and generally function on the same plane that you do.
Hey, can you facilitate my marriage to my boyfriend, please? Also, get me on his insurance plan, let me see him in the hospital when he's ill, let me legally be father to his children, and generally function on the same plane that you do.
I find the influx of tits and ass only designed to titillate people like you, a solipsistic dude used to society catering to his norms, to be annoying as hell. The fact that you respond this way only reinforces that. You are nothing special, and you deserve no attention.
What's the problem with too much gay related content? I think Kotaku has too much entitled straight boy content, don't you agree?
Well, I don't want to come in as someone from the community, but a relationship between a men like Drake and Sully is, in the gay community, fairly common. Hell, I've dated an older guy, and I think they are just fine.
We should take some of the $380 billion used to create jets that kill people and use it in science and math educational programs, and then funnel more into NASA.
This looks like a sex doll to me. Maybe that's next?
I would sleep with the Commander in MGDMT in a heartbeat. !beards++
God, this book is so damn good. Read it for my contemporary lit course in college. One of the best books I read in college.
You know what? Maybe it's the fact that SE is spamming fans with the XIII world that not many people really like. Also, you can only play as Serah and Noel, along with a monster? Really?
Thanks for the condescending recommendation. Hope you go to sleep well knowing you're an absolute arbiter of personal emotional standing through one comment on the internet.
How about $380 billion wasted on failed R&D for a new fighter jet useless in contemporary military tactics designed to kill people. How about how HALF of our economy is spent on warmongering? How about that? Answer that you disgusting politician, you rancid piece of shit.
Weeaboo! Also, spend any time eating good French, Spanish, Italian, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or hell, African food, and you'll be surprised.
It's a cute video, but I'd love to see this continual NYC navel gazing take a break. Cool city, but damn, the shared narcissism of NYC residents is insufferable.
Thank god people are finally agreeing with me that Avatar was a stupid movie not worth watching.
these are super cute. My ex boyfriend loved when I wore colored underwear, and I've been meaning to get some cute briefs for my evenings out in the Castro. Seriously, if I had $200 to spend, I would go underwear shopping right now. Guys love cute underwear.
No. But I lie cute men
Aww, this makes me sad. He was a really cute looking guy. :(
Haha, I'm totally cool with this list, but you are totally right. I'm ok with Jesus Diaz, but every article he writes seems to fall between Legos, tits and ass, and some expensive European city. I only know him by his writing, but he doesn't sound like a dude I'd want to share a drink with. Somehow, I think he'd be ok…
Is there any way they could just shut this plant down?
I heard it was Boston, New York, and Philly during the American Revolution.