
That pitch was shit.

He’s the worst kind of Capitalist; he preaches the power of the free economy driving decisions then basically shrugs off brands manipulating the shit out of it. Talk about having your cake and eating it too.

That this is actually in the CBA really makes one raise an eyebrow.

How exactly leaking his test results beneficial to the fans....ignoring the fact that it’s against the CBA.

Pretty cool of the NFL to leak the results of his piss test (heh, leak)a day before announcing the denial; confidentiality rules be damned, PR is important.

Diana’s story doesn’t add up.

This is what Trump thinks happens if you ever push the SAP button on your remote.

Not pictured: she actually cross checked a referee in the back and cleared concussion protocol too. What a gamer.

You know what’s not less likely to happen this off-season? Chris Broussard making an ass of himself.

Breen was off base verbally subtweeting Ramona, but to hell with Windhorst. Dude has made a career being Lebron’s white, overweight shadow.

Al Jaffee is somewhere smiling after this snappy answer.

Agreed. Just a little odd after they got the rule tweaked the year before. I get the bad call happened but come on

Not so subtle trolling or just stupidity?

“But is his birth mother a prostitute?”

Elway is certainly an expert on quarterbacks going where they want to go, and not where they don’t.

Why did this take a year to resolve? Or have they been sitting on it to bury it under all the free agent news during the tampering window (which would be ironic to the point of physical pain)?

He couldn’t have made contact as you can see the testes move back and to the left... back and to the left. At that angle, Paul would have needed a magic nut tap.

RGIII loses his Cooley; Washington loses RGIII

If you take away their preseason revenue then they’ll just have to find a new way to steal money from the players pool