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    I can’t vouch for this, but I just saw it on ProductHunt: https://www.theogapp.com

    Not sure why it mangled the formatting of my comment: pixelfed dot social

    Look into Pixelfed, too! It federates with otherActivityPub servers (Mastodon etc.).

    You can still get a lifetime subscription to TiVO! I watch a lot of OTA TV so I bought a TiVO a couple years ago and I absolutely love it. (I do pay monthly, though.)

    This scenario is why they call it a developer beta, not a “ready for the public to use” beta.

    Uhhhh I was wrong about this. Changing it to “1 year” on any device will update that setting on all devices syncing to iCloud, and messages older than 1 year will be deleted.

    Oh no! Please disregard my advice. I was incorrect! I have just noticed that the setting on my MacBook and iPhone have now changed to “1 year” and messages older than 1 year have been deleted.

    I want to add, since this answer has eluded me for years: If you change the setting to “Keep Messages for 30 days”, this will delete local copies of the messages, but, as long as these messages still exist on other devices that are syncing to iCloud, it *won’t* delete them in iCloud.

    Chiming on the hour is a long-standing optional feature of most digital watches.

    Right now, you can use it with the AirPods Pro and AirPods Max when streaming supported video content on the Apple TV.

    SafeShepherd — while it’s great in theory, and I’d be willing to pay (and have been paying for years) $14/month for their service — they are effectively dead. The site was inaccessible for weeks over the winter, and I haven’t seen them successfully find and remove any of my records for months. In fact I just looked

    I watched this play out in real time, and it was truly bizarre. At one point he said: “Are we havin’ fun with these stupid boards? We love these boards! They’re so descriptive.”

    > we need to add two new symbols for 11 and 12

    "...breathing, b-b-breathless... heaving breaths... heaving..."

    Do anything via Drafts actions. I have a dozen or so bookmarklets set up that append to Dropbox files, send to Things, send to Pinboard with certain tags specified, etc.

    I'm waiting on Feedbin support from Reeder.

    Looks like this was once "ReadNow"?: http://lifehacker.com/5871395/readnow-provides-a-native-mac-desktop-interface-for-instapaper-and-readitlater

    Pruppets aren't real.