Must add: 11:45 is LUNCH. Do people not have wine with their lunch?
Must add: 11:45 is LUNCH. Do people not have wine with their lunch?
"Day drinking"... it's a funny alarm concept. Isn't it more depressing drinking away at night? Having something to drink while the sun is shining and the bees are humming away sounds happier. Especially when it's your day off, you're still composed, and your having fun at a lunch/auction with other people you know.
You don't see it talked about. You don't even see the fact that there are hardly any actual speaking roles for women talked about, at least compared with roles for men. That's been slowly but surely changing as of late, but it's been changing for a very specific group: conventionally attractive white women. It's like,…
Huh. I'm white, and thought Good Hair was interesting and eye-opening. What did I miss? (Not asking to be a smart ass, genuinely seeking another view)
"Adam Levine has been exposed as chunky male thumb ring that's been posing as human!"
I mean, I get you're trying to be cute here, but Good Hair wasn't just a bad movie. It was a horrible exercise in misogynoir that has exposed every black woman I know to incidents of microagression ever since its release. So unless you're intimating that Grown Ups 2 did the same of worse, then there was probably a…
I am thinking she is just putting the coke on a mirror or something, and the Kennedys are all "no silver tray? the horror!"
Don't I know. I could go on all day about colorism between blacks specific to the Deep South. I've had black men sidle up to me & ask why I'm with a white man. (Now, I didn't specifically choose who I'm with- he came looking for me.) Anyway, here's some of what I've been told by by some black men on dates in the past:…
Don't go blaming white America or Hollywood for Tyler Perry. That shit's all coming from Jesus and the black community. Without them, Perry would be staging local productions of "Ma Rainey's Black Bottom" and "A Raisin in the Sun."
"Pfft, a 4-line limit? Cheapskate. My dog throws better coke parties."
From the Jon Gosselin on tinder article: he's like a little child and needs a girlfriend to wait on him hand and foot.
This is such a nice surprise. I really didn't think he gave a shit if black women were hired in Hollywood. I've seen so many black male actors that were all over talk tv promoting movies, who were just over the moon that they were cast opposite Eva Mendes, Salma Hayak, etc., and those same actors never address the…
It's awesome that his response to the SNL Black woman shortage was to get one hired... Instead of just insinuating that maybe Black women weren't ready yet.
11:45AM? I've definitely started drinking before that. It's called tailgating. Or brunch.
Kendra Wilkinson, former girlfriend and wet nurse to Hugh Hefner, has been flirting with her co-star Jake Quickenden, a UK reality star who "loves a MILF every now and then."
Shaun Penn "roaming the world and living day to day" means "drinking all the time and staggering to and fro".
I'm laughing like a loon over those wax statues of David and Victoria Beckham. OH MY GOD. I have zero artistic talent, but I could do a better job with my earwax and hair pulled out of the shower drain.
Yeah, jeans scrunched around ankles tells me zero about the fit. I don't really know how this is supposed to sell me on them. "You too can be oiled up with your pants around your ankles in a creepily empty room! Buy my jeans line!"
Beyond the obviously problematic, is this an ad for women's denim? Because this is a terrible way to advertise to us since it's really only going to stick in the minds of men (and a few women). For god's sake, I can't even tell what the jeans look like. It would be more provocative to put women's denim on a sexy man.…