Wait a sec, a player, representing one of the state’s two professional teams, in a state literally founded on white supremacy, in a country also founded on white supremacy, had the gall to be racist?
Well, I do declare. /s
You are easy to please.
oh you poor thing
Based on the posts I see, Jalops buying new cars is likely a small percentage of total Jalops. I buy new vehicles, but I also don’t like diesels or brown cars either, so I’m a minority Jalop.
Dodger fans are going to be extra sad when they inevitably collapse in the playoffs again this year.
Trigg Adams, Sanders’ grandson
He’s already got the cancer, it’s not like he can get more cancer.
Never understood the fascination of a sunroof. Let alone one with a manual car. They would only sell 5 of them.
So there are many many layers to how shitty the Trump presidency. There’s the racism and misogyny and bigotry. There’s the damaging policies. There’s the straight up cruelty. There’s the incompetence. There’s the lies. There’s the constant attempts to undermine the institutions designed to stop the country from…
I am in favor of a policy of bitch-slapping everyone who wears cargo shorts and flip-flops in a restaurant.
What point will it have depreciated sufficiently to be attainable, but not be a maintenance nightmare?
Didn’t read, CP.
i think (dream) a little longer all the time.
That 850 is just an amazing looking vehicle. Still want one.
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