Kim Jong - Healthy

I bet the way she was dressed made it seem that she as really asking for it too, huh?

there’s only one mural deserving to be on the side of a van:

yeah I remember that spot, as if we needed another water park.

im not dismissing their importance. they can surely be attributed to the reason comic books are even still made.

“James told THR that he loved Coogler’s vision for Black Panther, saying that when he was growing up there were no black superheroes for him to look up to.”

could you imagine the shit fit Rapelisberger would throw if this happened?

here are a couple more gems:

yeah or that asshole who tried to stab somebody with their skate during a game.

Preparation-H may help cool the butthurt.

and if your mom swallowed, maybe I wouldn’t be having this pointless conversation about the lumps on Ryan Brauns dick.

must not have been that good of an allusion if only you and one other guy starred it.

i’m sorry, I must have missed last month’s edition of professional athletes with STDs.

a first ballot hall of famer, and probably the best post-season pitcher of the live ball era, while still playing under his rookie contract with no off the field distractions.

you do know bumgarner is the modern day equivalent of paul bunyan playing baseball, right?

with approximately 7389 audi wagons in the game, you think we’d see some more beamer, benz, or subaru wagon love.

It definitely reeks of coming from the Rust Belt, that’s for sure.

the irony as a result of your kinja handle is hilarious.

I wonder what the criteria the Cowboys used to deem this guy unstable, but not Greg Hardy, Adam Jones, Alonzo Spellman, Dez Bryant, Dimitrius Underwood, Michael Irvin...

I’m gonna be that guy.