I always tell people to bring home Riverwest Stein instead, but New Glarus has such a legendary status among my Chicago friends that they usually don’t care about brining home anything else :/
I always tell people to bring home Riverwest Stein instead, but New Glarus has such a legendary status among my Chicago friends that they usually don’t care about brining home anything else :/
Wut?! For real?
Fuck her. Just fuck her. Also $5000? Send it to Bree. Or anywhere Bree tells you to send it.
The passive language is strong with this one. “The tradegy that occured.” “The massacre that took place.” Like, spontaneously? A mass murder just blew through like a summer shower?
IDK, this is inspiring Kara. She has inspired me to donate directly to Emanuel African Methodist. With all the work the poor thing needs to do to replan her wedding, I wouldn’t want her to take on the burden of remembering to donate that 10% so I going to take that duty off her hands and donate directly. I encourage…
“Hey, Honey. You know how my brother murdered all those black people, and we had to reschedule our wedding because of it?”
The worst part of this, if there is one, is that this twit wants people to send her on her “dream honeymoon”.
This is such a Dad joke and I love it.
Girl....just....back away. Back away from the internet. Back away from the public. Try to stay as obscure as possible. Hope the world ignores you. Just...back away.
Clearly the parents have no idea raise a Roof.
For fuck’s sake with these garbage humans.
Wisconsin: Where AT&T is still trying to sell things to Jeffrey Dahmer.
Fucking Illinois Bastard? Probably a Chicagoan? (Meant with love! And a misplaced sense of bitterness on I-94!)
That alllllll happens in WI as well. Cheers TX!
Your tip only works if you are a white male.
I read an article about this. And apparently it does work... as long as your white!