
Not plebs, sheep. Sheeple, really.

I agree. So many deaths from last Super Bowl. All this bloodshed, and for what?

You got something against effeminate men?


Lucky. Wish I had a Drafthouse in my area.

I'm not a Nolan fanboy, but that was an excellent trailer. The music was great, which makes me think that it won't be in the actual movie, seeing as Hans Zimmer's bombastic ass is scoring it.

These are some sad dudes, man.

That's a shame. It wouldn't kill you to care about people you disagree with.

Hey downvoter, I was making a videogame reference. Yeezus Christ.

Well, I meant NWA's first album actually. Post-Cube NWA is shit apart from Dre's production.

I laughed. You prick.

Okay, but those songs were good. Besides, nothing wrong with swallowing the seed.

Oh, it's good.

Huge. HUGE.

It made me go back and watch their first Grammy performance in 1989 on YouTube though.

"Wanting to commercialize"? Have you been asleep for 20 years?

The same could be said of all religions.

Fwiw, I listen to a lot of rap from pretty much every decade that it's been around, and I just don't find Kendrick to be impressive. His lyrics sound really self-conscious to me, like he's specifically trying to be deep. His flow and delivery are awkward and slow. And his voice is just weird during the choruses in

Spielberg proposed that all guns be digitally replaced with erect dicks.

Quentin Tarantino just angrily tweeted Harvey Weinstein's address.