
Captain Douchebag strikes again.

Oh, I adore that scene.

I don't get this desperate push by several Gen-X writers (particularly in the AV Club staff) to bury grunge in the dirt. So grunge ended up becoming commercial schlock. So what? That's the fate of every popular genre. No need to be bitter about it.

The AV Club
yes, there is a porn parody of Duck Dynasty.

Upvoted for "duck pheromones".

Seriously, I keep thinking that it's a Daffy Duck spin-off like Duck Dodgers.

"That was a song about me wanting to fuck my guns." - Ted Nugent

That's the only way to live.

It definitely sound insane.

Where's Pluto Nash? This registry is worthless!

What??? You like being alone sometimes? I think we've got a real Jeffrey Dahmer here.


I miss the old AV Club. : (

Did you get the new Zelda on the day it was released? Because that was also the launch day for The One. Hence the droves of purchasers.

I've wondered this as well.

Subdivisions is such a great song.  Nerd anthem, imo.

Eminem?  Ted Nugent?