
It’s just like the night I lost my virginity.

I would, but you smell vaguely of Jagermeister and a movie theater floor.

Uh oh, look who already forgot the last 8 years?

Well la-dee-da. Based on typical deductions and average incomes, that means you fall on the high side of the 200k-500k annual income bracket.

Ha. And I’m enjoying the ever-looming threat of being unable to afford a life-saving medication in the near future because of rollbacks of healthcare subsidies as soon as I can’t be on my parent’s insurance and can’t get coverage of my own due to a pre existing condition. But yeah, I’m sure glad it’s all gonna

You know, I enjoy the extra $150+ in my budget every month. But I don’t need it, AT ALL. There are people, families out there that need it far more than I do. I own my car, my only debt is my house and I live comfortably. I’ll take the money, but it pains me to know someone out there needs a break more-so than I do.

That’s extremely short sighted, seeing as your tax cuts will expire and the corporate tax cuts won’t. Not to mention the slower inflation measure that will slowly but surely increase your tax burden and reduce any credits available to you.

I’m certainly enjoying the deteriorating infrastructure! (and I’m not seeing anywhere near $400 a month extra in the paycheck)


Only if you don’t have a child. After you have one you realize it’s still a chunk of metal and it really doesn’t matter.

Welcome to America! Where we argue about magazines and clips, not policies which leaves thousands dead! Because fuck ‘em!!

Or they could not be monsters and, as firearms experts, come out in support of gun control measures. Until it became a culture-war organization, there was a time when the NRA was about responsible gun ownership.

As I stated earlier. I know full well that what TV shows, movies and videos depict are exactly that - Hollywood interpretations of what weapons look like.

Pro Tip: A lot of lower income people also own dogs and can’t afford anything else. A dog being fed on crappy dog food in a loving home is better than a dog being put to sleep because no one adopted it.

I don’t care if he flies business, but he has a history of making really wasteful travel decisions.

But its not just international flights. He spent $1400 on a flight from DC to New York city - when a $200 Amtrak ticket or an economy seat would be way less. He hopped on a military flight for some $30K from Cincinnati to NYC so he could catch a flight to Rome. He spent $25K so he could have a secure office to make

“It will keep me alive in an accident”

And that’s how advertising works, kids!