
I have always used ebooks, because I’m a stay at home dad and I can’t usually justify (to myself) the cost of something more expensive.

I know I’m an outlier, and I know it is unusual to hold onto what other people consider an underpowered machine until it literally has a hardware failure.

I’m /considering/ moving up to

I have always used ebooks, because I’m a stay at home dad and I can’t usually justify (to myself) the cost of

All Xbox One controllers work just fine on PC over a usb connection. This is actually my preferred way to use an Xbox One controller, because that way I don’t even have to put batteries in it.

If you absolutely need to be wireless, then it might be best to wait.

All Xbox One controllers work just fine on PC over a usb connection. This is actually my preferred way to use an

Gritty and drier actually sounds like a benefit to me for a cream I’m going to use on my workman’s hands. I have been told repeatedly that I should regularly use a cream after beating my hands up and washing them over and over, but I tend to stay clear because I hate having slippery hands.

If this stuff will help keep

Gritty and drier actually sounds like a benefit to me for a cream I’m going to use on my workman’s hands. I have

What? I see FOUR people playing there. Definitely not THREE, most certainly not F...FIVE.