Meet Dennis, a mini dachshund who has a new lease on life. Once weighing over 56 pounds (that's four to five…
Meet Dennis, a mini dachshund who has a new lease on life. Once weighing over 56 pounds (that's four to five…
Does anyone else have a guilt complex about their favourite Jezebel writer being a man? I don't know how to deal.
what??? NOOOOO!!!!!
It's my last night shift for a while, but these are some of the most fun posts I do on the site!
Shrayber, keep living your best life (and pls keep writing dirt bags)
Nope, you weren't.
I love these and think Tina's Aukland makeup is very pretty and natural!
You may have heard there was an excuse to show terrible cheesy ads a sporting event airing tonight in America…
You mean women, right?
During the DNC in Boston in I think 2004, my friend and I were having fries and beers at Bukowski Tavern at lunchtime. It was empty and who should walk in but Jerry Springer! He sat down at the table next to us with his bodyguard and casually shot the shit with us for like ten minutes. My friend and I went outside to…
Balderdash! How can I possibly be lonely when I'm sharing the adventures and camaraderie of my very close friends Phoebe, Joey, Monica, Chandler, Rachel, and Whatsisface? Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a hot date with a body pillow wearing a wig and glasses.
"I know I said 'throw another shrimp on the barbie,' but please, don't throw any more shrimps at the Barbies!"
Here we are - our tributes from District 12!
You have to love it when men blame women for getting pregnant as if they were not involved.
But that is just the thing, even if women "kept their legs closed" men would be lamenting about how women are so prudish and that men deserve sex. It is one of those damn if you do and damn if you don't.
Just this past Friday I was preached at by the security guard at my work about the evils of abortion. I told him I disagreed, the usual talking points were thrown out by both of us, and then he gets mad and screamed, "they should have kept their dang legs closed!" (and yes he actually said "dang," imagine a lanky,…
I mean, my money is always going to be on the gal or guy who has a degree in the thing for which there is a question. You know, proving they spent years and years learning all the things necessary to talk about what they're talking about. Call me crazy, but I would go so far as to suggest that that be a minimum…