
Puzder is reportedly “very tired of the abuse...”

I think the core issue is that people are getting confused/bogged down in the details and not really seeing the forrest through the trees here.

Yep. They were super hard hitting on the emails and then looking at trump and being like shrug whatever. That worked out just great.

They were too busy with their hot takes on the emails. They’re doing some good work now but they should know that we haven’t forgotten that.

I thought the purpose of the strike was just that - women who work outside the home don’t go into work, and SAHMs don’t do their work either. So the father has to get the kids breakfast, to school, etc. I thought the strike was to show the importance of women- what they do in the workplace, economy, AND at home.

Yeah it’s just too bad NYT sat on this Russia stuff prior to the election.

I read this morning that WaPo is hiring 60 more journalists! As soon as I get paid next week I’m subscribing to help support their efforts.

Yeah and it isn’t cute. I mean they sacrificed their souls to get good ratings and now that they smell blood they’re calling people out but that’s for ratings too. Thank god the NYT and wapo are doing investigation journalism.

Came here to be like “wait, Matt Lauer engaged in journalism??”

It’s about fucking time, media. They are partly responsible for this shit show and should be apologizing to the American people everyday.

The same Matt Lauer who was tricked and deceived by that master manipulator, Ryan Lochte!

My thought exactly. We’re talking about the same Matt-fucking-Lauer that served up nothing but softballs to Trumpy before the general election.

You know this is an edited clip, yes? Anderson’s interview comes from something else, as much as I would love him to actually be going off on KAC like that.

Instead, she got beat down by Matt Lauer, who responded to her usual word soup with, “Kellyanne, that makes no sense.”

If the purpose of the day is to show the impact of women in the workforce, I still think staying home (even if it means your kid stays home too) is worth it. Not that you need to be reminded, but if a school day is disrupted it proves the entire point-- You (the general you) depend on women to do their jobs so you can

I think the point is to make the presence felt. Go into work one day and there are zero women there and for most work places it will be pretty strange.

Even one day is a demonstration of how important women’s work is. A wakeup call. And it’s not as if staying off the job until things change is going to work. Change will take longer than that.

Ben we can agree. I don’t want you to be batman either.

It’s. not. that. complicated. And it’s not like he didn’t actively pursue this job for decades. Too fucking bad he sucks at it.