
I meant the lesson that not taking a stand can be a liability later. A lot of voters took issue with Clinton’s vote on the Iraq war. Similarly, if Gillebrand has aspirations to seek the candidacy, voting to confirm Trump’s nominations is something that could come back to haunt her, I think she is reading the mood of

“We did not inflict this kind of obstructionism on President Obama,” Sen. Patrick J. Toomey (R-Pa.)

I’m a Virginian, I believe there is a plan and TK needs to stay in the loop.

I think Dems have a really good map right here of exactly who they need to oust when they are up for re-election. IDGAF if you were our vice presidential candidate or whatever else, if you voted yes on all of these cabinet nominees, GTFO. If you can’t resist with this, how is anyone supposed to have any faith that you

We should have sunk to their level a few years ago. Enough of this hippie love shit. No one gets to tell people that we need to give Trump a chance. He has done nothing but destroy civil rights and rape the natural world in all of 2 weeks. So fuck him and the GOP. No Gods No Masters and may trump choke on a chicken

Yep. So what if the GOP threatens to nuke the fillibuster? You think they won’t do that next time anyway when they *really* have a chance to stack the court?

Agreed. And people saying don’t filibuster Gorsuch, just shut the fuck up. Don’t you realize that if your starting statement is, “well we don’t want to sink to their level” - then you may as well just proactively write a bill that hands the entire US government to the Republican part in perpetuity because they are

There is literally nothing to be gained from any amount of cooperation.

He voluntarily exchanged messages with a 15 year old girl. It’s one thing for the puritanical moral outrage over some politician cheating on his wife, it’s a whole other thing when an actual predator gets his comeuppance for being a predator. He’s not a victim.

This dude sucks so much.

Only if and when Trump becomes less popular than them. Right now Donald is much more popular with Republicans than the congress creatures, and they’ll carry his water until that changes.

Honestly, we’re willing to let it rest but BernieBots keep beating the fucking dead horse.

A great deal of ink has also been spilled about Bernie, the DNC and Hillary but that’s not stopping you. Look, I’m saying that this was a perfect storm of problems in order for a man like Trump to even have a shot at the presidency. Everyone’s hands are dirty here. Hillary won the primaries because she got more votes.

the kinja equivalent of responding with a “First” on a yahoo article. Good job.

I was there too and I certainly wasn’t standing next to hocuspocusoctopus, so I can’t say anything about their experience, but from my vantage point both Janelle Monae and Angela Davis came on well after the rally was meant to be done and the crowd was growing rather impatient. It was supposed to end at noon with the

I’m not triggered, uncomfortable, anger or hurt by this post or Kara’s post.I accept that I’m part of the white power structure in America and grew up with racial biases.

Where was this from? The text doesn’t paint a very clear picture of what happened. Sounds like people were impatient! Also, I want to give the benefit of the person that exlaimed, “There are more names? These are too many names!” Perhaps she meant exactly what she said; that she was shocked and disgusted by the sheer

Because it’s clearly more than just the “redneck” or “Evangelical” who voted for him. It’s the friendly woman who brings donuts at work. The mother of your child’s best friend. The boss who loves you. The teacher at your kid’s school. And it’s the extended network of those people who didn’t vote for Trump, but didn’t