
Here are a few definitions of the word slavery.

When that one producer was like, “before meeting Jax, I assumed I could tell when someone was lying to me,” I was CHILLED.

- Schwartzy’s face at the 1:20 mark is perfection.

Chloe, girl let it go. You thought you were going to score one off of an easy target and then twitter did an about face on you.

Your post makes no sense. Accepting your body doesn’t mean you stop presenting yourself in what, to you, constitutes the best light possible. It seems like you’ve bought into the idea that there is some “real” feminine body. Do you cut your hair? Do you brush your teeth? Do you put on clothes that you picked out? Do

Seriously, I’m way more offended that these people would take the time to tweet about her than her tweet. Well, Piers is generally a disgusting troll so I guess that doesn’t surprise me.


Although I really do think Bette Midler was making a funny joke, I can’t believe the automatic response is to question Kim as a mother and as a person. Did anyone question Channing Tatum’s ability as a father after Magic Mike? I don’t even like Kim but damn people spend so much of their lives telling women how to live

Chloe, I’m going to give you some advice. Shut the fuck up and stop scolding a grown woman for not being a “role model.” It might not be slut-shaming but it’s fucking bullshit women get all the time. Concentrate on your own career Chloe.

I’m kind of amazed sometimes (no, I’m not) that people care so much about what a grown woman decides to do with her body. So it’s attention-seeking, who cares. She has an awesome body, and it is definitely something she has worked to create, both the body and the public image, and if she wants to show it off ... cool.

Scott Disik’s comment was sort of sweet...

Why is it trendy to snark on Mumford & Sons? I’m asking because I honestly don’t know. TBH I really like a couple of their songs.

My heart goes out to Kesha, but it sounds the judge’s hands were tied. This case was strictly a matter of contract law. If the judge ruled in the artist’s favor, she would be setting precedent that any contract could be broken simply by alleging- not proving, simply alleging- abuse.

I’m a huge Knicks fan an I remember when they drafted him out of Notre Dame and everyone was concerned about his preexisting heart condition. It turns out he managed to rise above it and made a good career for himself. As great as that was, it appears his life off the court was even better.