Sometimes they are.
Sometimes they are.
Bannon is a principle on the committee ya moron
They didn’t “project” the drop in market value. It’s an incredibly simple calculation.
Nevermind that the people bearing the greatest brunt of the persecution are muslims though. You’re a fucking idiot.
“draconian” lmao
Uh no lol
Correct answer: Never, ever, ever, take investing advice from Hamilton Nolan.
You are unfortunately quite misinformed
I’m no duke fan but this is a shitty opinion.
White women are not a monolith. Stop being stupid
Is that what you say about the Koch’s too?
Oh god the horror
Ironic that you mention the gawker, which hit its final flame out following what could at best be called fake news. But I doubt you stopped to think about that.
Don’t you work for an organization that published allegations of gay prostitution by a right-wing nut job against someone that works for a competitor of yours? As news? Seems pretty fake to me idk
I remember that! and holy fuck was it awful
But alas there is still no possible way this didn’t happen exactly the way deadspin says it did.
Because one of them didn’t pay payroll taxes on a babysitter 13 years ago? Lol
You’re supporting violence as a means to shut down speech you disagree with and that’s a fucking stupid position to have.
Could you imagine if the alt-right used violence to shut down a trans speaker? Would you mocked them for needing a safe space then? Jesus Christ you people are crazy.
You agree with a side that used violence to silence speech and it’s the other side you’re calling “whiny little fucks”? Jesus.