
Its almost like the gun laws don’t stop bad people from getting guns!

Did you like it?

Lmao sorry actual facts got in the way of your narrative

Yes you are wrong. They’re as low as the year you were born. That means they were higher when you were a kid. Try critical thinking for me one time

You’re right. Twenty years ago they were far more prolific

Lmao maybe more focus on drawing the 20th most fans, or finishing 10 games under .500, or incompetent management, than being happy that the team people actually care about lost.

Could they not delay a criminal infestation so she could be elected president??? What?

Why didn’t you show the video of them setting a bridge on fire?

lol would you be ok if a person who had previous involvement in millitias was on the jury?

Yeah I wonder why they didn’t just leave the Al Qaeda training camps alone

Well no the taliban did that

Showing all of the pitches on a fixed strike zone is silly

Maybe if everyone stopped acting like a comedian making a video is akin to get punched in the face we could finally realize this is not a big deal

Well this has happened multiple times with players but nevermind that

No but I feel like I’m not in a safe space

Or you could quote the next line where it states they have no reason to believe they were committed by people in fraternities

Is anyone not a bigot these days

Do you know that there is more to politics than the left and right wings??????