
Highly recommend trying The Blues Brothers. Just to hear a child ask “You got me Cheez-Whiz boy?”

The related stories at the bottom of the article made it look like I’d just won Jackpot at the Noonan Slot Machine.

Best PE class ever!

Isn’t prebate something you do before a hot date to offset the disproportionate expectations of the evening.?

Good Grief!

+1 Well remembered. Though I think if he gave it a few first serves his opponent might collapse.


Because it’s not a football move.

Make that three sticks up his ass.

Now I have Rockwell stuck in my head. Ta!

I almost got stuck in the MUD. Addictive stuff back in the day.

How has Vangelis not become part of this string? ‘The Bounty’ ‘Chariots of Fire’ ‘Bladerunner’! Wait I just realized why. Not orchestral. Still feels almost classical.

How did they lose?

It sounds like the ghost of Sam Kinison was in attendance.


Nicksha?! XXwhy?

No doubt this is probably causing sterilization. I’d say honorary mention in the Darwin Awards.

Inspiration for the upcoming Toyonado.

It’s the neck/chin crease/cleave that gets me. It looks like he might be undergoing mitosis.

That is a Dick Dixon Tips.