Lol. Vwolf is a white girl.
Lol. Vwolf is a white girl.
“What does chicano have to do with anything? Chicano = a chosen identity of some Mexican Americans in the United States.” That’s pretty much what I thought. You are so ignorant that you literally don’t think Chican@ people exist. You’re like these people that don’t think that Palestinians exist. Just totally ignorant…
Fuck Paula Dean is always related.
The problem is that Vwolf thinks that Día de muertos is only her culture, and doesn’t realize that it belongs equally to Chican@s. Like many Mexicans, I get the impression that Vwolf thinks Chican@s are just Mexican immigrants.
“Do you even spend any time in Mexico, like ever? We don’t have a problem with that stuff over here, sweet child. ”
This comment reminds me of Paula Deen’s son’s racist Desi Arnaz impersonation. There’s nothing wrong with impersonating Desi Arnaz as Ricky Ricardo. I’ve seen really good Lucy and Ricky impersonators. They’re cute. But wearing brown face... and doing literally nothing else to resemble the man, is disgusting. I mean,…
You’re “Latin American.” You’re not chicana. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
That is the first time I’ve actually said “Ooooouch” out loud after reading something.
Electric sockets serve a purpose. Pods are ornamental. They’re simply a marketing gimmick. When a marketing gimmick is killing children its time to regulate that shit.
I saw this on various channels on youtube before it turned up here. If you scroll down to the comments you get Trump supporters unleashing their full wrath on Megyn Kelly. Possibly the most misogynistic language I’ve seen this entire election cycle. So I guess that it doesn’t matter how he looks. Because his audience…
Fuck tide pods. They kill babies.
I agree with you. But I also know that if you are a mother or child who is developing ptsd while in one of theses centers, every single day counts.
I couldn’t have said it better. Family detention centers are modern day internment camps. They are indefensible. But no situation is so bad that it can’t be made worse. I believe Clinton when she describes one of the possible outcomes of a Trump presidency: a militarized police force moving from house to house,…
This is kind of amazing. Do you have more paintings to share?
Whenever I think of Trump being unable :( to molest over a non removable arm rest I think of this skit. He’s just flailing around trying to get his arms over that rest.
Yes. These forces are definitely cultural. But they still destroy lives. Read this Salon testimony about a mother who let her four year old stay in the car while she ran into the drug store. She was only gone for five minutes. But it turned out someone filmed her car and turned her into the police. She was, obviously,…
Bro. We’re talking about the social politics of motherhood here. And you chime in with “that’s not how it is... me and my wife...”?
I’m assuming he has massive home owners insurance and wouldn’t be bothered. The mom who let her kid go over to his house, however, will become a pariah because she put her child in danger.
The gendered language is the problem. It’s not ok for men, who aren’t obligated to provide child care, legally or socially, the way women are, to attack women for doing that work. It’s not ok to claim that women’s attention is corrupting. It’s also not ok to not understand that pro-social behavior, including risk…