
I didn’t follow the Mulaney/wife guy relationship dynamic super closely outside of his standup and I’m not a celeb goss person in general. But my only prevailing thought is holy FUCK do I feel terrible for Mulaney’s ex wife. To have your famous husband who paraded your supposedly blissful (and childfree) marriage

...what? Mulaney doesn’t have any kids, and he was apparently already separated from his ex-wife when he and Munn got together.

You can think this dude is funny, talented and trying his best. But he is also a douche bag. This dude is pulling a “Phoenix rising from the ashes” story line after dumping his wife and immediately knocking up the next thing that blinked at him. The same ex wife he praised for supporting him through his prior issues

I agree that it is best to wish them well but as someone who just got out of rehab and broke up with his wife he could be repeating the toxic relationship patterns he was trying to address. They say when you are in recovery to not to get into a relationship for one year for this reason. I fear this is a trainwreck on

Oh is there peace in the Middle East? I had no idea!

“It is humbling to confront a terribly embarrassing moment of misjudgment, thoughtlessness, and insensitivity from nearly a decade ago.

Good for Larry David.  May it ever be thus to all Trump enablers.

Someone would have brought up that he smoked weed while in high school once too

If he'd been literally anything else other than white, we would have gotten his arrest record and mental health history complete with "a history of violence."

no, he absolutely did not got hacked and him saying that is such a troll. you can just hear the smiling while he’s saying this “Maaaannnn, I got hacked today. Can’t believe they got me.he’s been problematic for a long time.

Fuck him and his lame-ass attempts to cash in on her pain with tired “I’m not afraid to be edgy” material. No different than any of the other trolls who see her suffering as an opportunity to make people angry and ride the wave to clicks, notoriety, etc. 

There is a gay agenda: equality.

I hate the phrase “money doesn’t buy happiness”. Sure, having money doesn’t make you happy, but it does give you peace of mind knowing you’ll be able to pay your bills, rent, buy food and clothes, or anything else you need. To me, that’s happiness.

With all that money (and friends, it appears), why doesn’t anyone tell her that the best way to get beyond this is NOT to whine about cancel culture, but to simply do some good works? Why didn’t she take the time to meet with Stodden and maybe launch an anti-bullying thing for girls? Or work with teens “in trouble”

She went from “lucky enough to be held accountable for past gross behavior” to “im caaaaaaaaaaancelled and depressed because no one is paying attention to me on social media, how will my THIRTY FIVE million people that follow me see what i have to saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay since im caaaaaancelled.”

Seriously, what is wrong with this woman?  Why does she need attention from strangers this badly?  Doesn’t she have friends and family she can talk to or a therapist?

1. Tessa Thompson is indeed very hot. And who the fuck cares if they are in a thruple. The more non-heteronormative relationships there are in the world, the better. We should only be upset that we are not in their super hot relationship.

I think it’s that they didn’t actually let Michael Sam play. They cut him before the season began, so he was the first openly gay man *drafted* into the NFL, but this guy is the first *active player* in the NFL.

Does no one remember Michael Sam? Dude didn’t actually play in a game, but he was drafted and kissed his boyfriend on live tv when it happened. Has everyone just agreed that he wasn’t part of the NFL so someone else could be the first openly gay man to pay? Is he being whitewashed?

Where I live (a small town near Sedona) the regional economy is driven by tourism. The industry is suffering from a lack of employees eager to return to crappy, low paid hotel and restaurant jobs. The common complaint is "nobody wants to work!" Not so. They just don't want to work for *you*. Having spent years in the