
Ugh! There were so many flower headed fucks at the Lana Del Rey concert I went to last month. It was like a Free People catalog threw up and then it rained flower crowns.

I was kind of hoping that there would be break down of exactly which races were deemed okay to live around and by what percentage. At this point, I want to know the science of your racism. It’s beyond irritating, it’s downright fascinating that in the 21st century this is still a fucking issue. I mean, COME. THE.

Yep. 80s represent!

I might kick it old school and check out a bunch when I go to the beach in a few weeks. I only read Fear Street and Christopher Pike books when I was younger. Goosebumps was too campy. After I started middle school, I moved on to Stephen King. Haven’t looked back. I blame my mother for reading me Grimms Fairytales

Really? Bummer. I loved Christopher Pike back in the day.

Comments on the post include:

I am so sick and tired of that “art is art” shit. No, rape is rape and your art can suck it.

Because I bet the make up artists had a myriad of colors for white skin tones. All white people aren’t the same complexion. They knew to have a variety of colors of everyone else. Why not her?

I’m a social media person, so it’s basically my job to scour the interwebs. It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it.

It’s linked in tealstar’s comment, but she basically says that it “pains” her to see interracial couples because white women be stealing all the blackmen.

Fucking FUCK! If you have to put on brownface/blackface/yellowface to convince people who you’re trying to be, DON’T DO IT. How about he just be a tad more creative and, I don’t know, find a 50’s suit or some bongo drums. Is that too fucking hard?

I too went to get my Mirena on my lunch break from work. I haven’t had kids (and don’t ever want to) so I had to take Cytotec the night before to soften my cervix. It was painful for about 5 minutes during insertion, but I went to happy hour that night and felt fine the next day. Blow dart to the uterus is the most

I came to see if anyone posted her Essence article/opinion piece. I had a hard time not side eying her after reading that Essence article, but after this whole thing....she can keep walking.

Misty Copeland is a black woman I want representing me to the world. She’s living our truth and living it beautifully. And she just lifted some of the weight off the shoulders of future black girls who fall in love with ballet.

Your drunk grandmother is my hero.

I came here specifically to say naps, because for real tho.....NAPS!

I quit for similar reasons as well. My cousin was a Cub Scout and they were doing all kinds of cool outdoor stuff while my troop sat in a room and talking about sewing and baking.

I know right?!?!?! I dropped out of Girl Scouts after 6 months, but damn....if only I knew. I actually work for one of the councils who were invited to participate and the girls had a great time.

This cat is doing exactly what I wish I was doing.