
I totally missed that last night! I switched over to Bravo to watch the RHOA act up at their slumber party. I'm glad you shared I'm crying at my desk. So beautiful.

Where can I find a top like this? I must have it!


THIS is how you do red carpet maternity. Well done Olivia!

I don't think she looks awful, but definitely not as good as she could have. The dress is just boring. Her hair and make-up are boring as well.

I love this! Her hair and make-up are amazing as well.

The dress fits and she looks hands down SPECTACULAR!!!!

This seems really uncomfortable. And the color washes her out completely.

She just does not age.

I thought she looked the best.

Yes! I was wondering what it was about this that I didn't like, and that's it. She looks like a modern Nancy Kerrigan in this outfit. It's too costume-y.

That's it! I don't have to see Any. Thing. Else. for the rest of my natural life. Hiddles FTW!

Thank you for this! I most certainly "Survived" my breakup with my ex-fiance. After ending our severely unhealthy relationship, he literally stalked, harassed, and threatened to kill me over the course of a month. He finally stopped after I reported him to the cops and threatened to press charges against his crazy

God I want a cape!

Flawless hair and makeup. Go ahead Little Miss Badass!

Yes. I love the tuxedo look on women, but the skirt is too long here. Or the jacket should've been cropped.

Ohhh, I like these.

This looks like a new type of milk ad. Milk does a douche good?

This is so convenient and functional, I am willing to overlook his idiocy for a few minutes to pay tribute to a beautiful shoe.

I'm working at m dining room table and I had the tv on NBC for the Nightly News. I didn't up before it came on. Why is the remote so far away????