
No. Just No.

ISTJ- California Chardonney?

Can we have a week go by without having to make some little girl feel like shit because of the way she looks? Is that too much to ask for?

You and me both! She looks amazing, but I kinda wish the pants were longer and didn't have that slight flare.

Hands down, hottest white guy who ever lived. Period.


The title brought me in. "Cuntrepreneur" made me sit down.

This puppy has clearly been hypnotized by Adam. As have I. The craddle hold is making my ovaries do things.

Oh, I am eagerly anticipating your debut album: GYN Nightmares

This gif has me mesmerized and fascinated. I applaud you and I thank you.

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for cat gifs. Especially this one.

God I love this picture.

Saturday Night Live isn't as funny or relevant as it used to be. The only time I watch it is when I've napped during the day and cannot fall asleep at a reasonable time on Saturday night. I will try to stay up tomorrow night to catch Kerry Washington. Depending on who's hosting I try to at least stay up to watch the


This will forever haunt my dreams. Thanks a lot Jezebel!

I saw this movie over the weekend and it was amazing. I happen to love Steve McQueen and every actor in the movie was SUPERB! It was extremely hard to watch and I cried and closed my eyes and gasped in horror and felt squeamish. But, I think difficult stories need to be told and those stories are the ones we usually

I couldn't even watch all of this. I had it on mute and it was still unbearable. I swear on everything that is chocolatey and wine infused, if my future fiance ever does this to me, I will say no. He obviously doesn't know me at all if he thinks a public proposal- like this vomit inducing one- is something I would

I am laughing wayyyy too loudly at this in my cubicle. LWTL LOLOLOL