Town of Orange Park Rec Center '92

Alright well, gotta carry on. You’re doing the lord’s work down here. Merry Christmas, and fuck you BM for your years of psychic vampirism.

I can't keep up. Has this formerly dismissed thread been undismissed? Or is some approved commenter blackened us here in the netherworld?

And you know when he finds this, he’ll spin it as a compliment. And then report you.

Yeah, he’s essentially Jack Nicholson in the Overlook Hotel, evilly toiling away over his typewriter, mad with Kinja “power”.

Won't be long until he catches wind of your coup, so nice work.

Holy crap, is that really him? Can you prove it? He's bragged about being a metaller. This is too funny. Can you imagine how much shit he would catch if he was totally doxxed? Remember what they did to Mussolini?