
No, Anthony did a “money talk” feature in investing magazine and said that until recently, he had six-figure debt with unpaid taxes and credit card debt, and he only recently paid it off.

I think it depends on where you’re from? Like Australians recognizing only one true “Kylie”.

Truth is, we all know that this is gonna happen. It’s not going to lead immediately to the worst case scenario since, honestly, the tech isn’t that advanced yet - but it will be someday.

As someone involved in scientific and highly technical endeavors, I can already tell you how the world is going to end ...

This is because Marco Rubio is a fuckless cunt.

I dont like it.

I have a PhD, but if it weren’t for the long college and training process I would be a mechanic or a welder. Because I need a damn job.

Creating an account just to post this reply. I’m generally scared to make accounts everywhere because I fear the internet will find me.

lol Still not feeling bad. You choose to do a job (in most parts of the world). Where is that bleeding heart for other jobs? Easy compared to a lot of jobs out there that pay 1% of what he’s taking in. Get on camera and dance that’s what you are paid to do and people want it.

It was actually supported and led by anti-sex trafficking organisations and in the community the support is way more pro than con. Yes, some objected to (particularly earlier versions of) the law, but that is not the majority. I work in this field. Do you? Do you really know what you are talking about when you talk

Let me help you out- I actually work in a field that deals (not exclusively) with victims of sex trafficking. You know who doesn’t get to speak for them? People who are not victims of sex trafficking. That includes consensual sex workers.

So um, you just make things up and try and put them in people’s mouths?

oh, the irony — to see this article written by the same author, who chastised Sweden for not adopting the law on sex without consent as rape earlier.

I’m sorry. But go fuck yourself. Joy-Ann Reid is a flat-out bigot.

Absolutely. Reid’s entire MO is to apply her homophobia, transphobia, and so on, to figures who are insufficiently sympathetic for her audience to care enough about to object to being treated that way. Back when she was writing her shitty blog, that meant attacking Charlie Crist. In 2017, it meant attacking Chelsea

I see no lies. I’m going to give her fans the benefit of the doubt and think that they mean any black woman being on TV when they say she speaks truth to power or that she’s an essential voice. I can name probably 20 people I’d put ahead of her that I’d want to see on a national stage. They’re women who actually speak

I don’t care how crass or bat-shit her blog postings were. If nothing genuinely current and disrupting is happening with her leave her alone. People want this Black woman to lose her job and career. I don’t.

You must not be familiar with the current cultural moment which is to latch onto anything possible to criticze and hold yourself as a beacon of enlightenment.

Well that’s because these are natural melons.