
The most disappointing thing about the Prometheus Lens is that they fixed it. All of the exotics are sooooo boring. When is borderlands 3 coming?

This might sound silly, but how reasonable is it to actually make a change and find a programming job? I’m earlyish 30s and have been interested in programming, but have always just pushed it off saying I was too old or other excuses you make when you are depressed/afraid of change. I briefly dated someone who had

The loot boxes in Tapped Out seem to be directly tied to the events and are pretty much unlocked naturally. They also remove the item you get once you get it, so by the end you receive everything, you just might not get what you want the first pick.

That is the only exotic I’ve gotten since the update as well. Super frustrating.

We live in such an interesting world now.

.*the battles. dammit

Okay so I’m supposed to make the. Styles more epic in my head? I played the beta but mostly felt like I was just mashing buttons.

you clearly know nothing of hoda!

We are going to be exploded soon enough so none of this will matter.

I’m not sure if I’m just lucky, but I’ve never really had any bad experiences on comp. I usually play with a close friend though so that might make it more pleasant to begin with.

I really enjoy the holidayized maps, but the mei snowball fight is the lamest of their event activities in my opinion.

Does anyone have a ps4 clan I can join that is active? Pretty please?

Anyone have a good clan I can join? I’m apparently the only one who does anything in my current one.

She’s practically motionless Corey.

Well I am pissed off! I got the game last week while trying to save money. Ha!

Her wardrobe is everything!

Nothing is real.

What are the fixes they mentioned?

Some of the best games I played as a kid. How I miss those crazy simple days.

Seriously though, how did it eat? Cats can get life threateningly I’ll just from not eating one day, much less a week!