
And that the parents didn't know there was a shell loaded in the gun. So I see that gun safety training stuff is working!

Ugh, earlier I looked up what a Crickett rifle was, and came across all these pictures. Blech. And I loved that the police chief was like "it is just one of those crazy accidents". That wouldn't happen if you didn't give children access to guns!

I had jury duty last week, and the final question from the judge to potential jurors was "are you able to be fair and impartial?". Some people said no, they couldn't. At the time I thought it was ludicrous that they would answer that way. You're incapable of being fair? Reading a lot of these comments, I

Okay, I will admit, I kinda became obsessed with looking up Amanda's twitter daily. Mostly though it just enrages me. It is just people making pictures of her in photoshop and telling her that she is their queen, and their goddess, and magazines telling her to please follow them, or come in for an interview, or

I have a silly question. Obviously makeup is intended to go on the skin, and I assume would be pretty regulated therefore...but is there any danger? If just eating canned food, or out of certain plastic containers can spike chemicals in your body, does makeup have the same effect? Are there any studies that show if

apparently it pays 10 cents, so...hope you don't mind living paycheck to paycheck?

Yes, and it is apparently better if the person doing the work somehow benefits from it as well. Pretty interesting stuff.

VIII and IX were my favourites. Everyone hated Squall, but I kinda related to him, plus I was convinced Rinoa could turn me straight. Alas.

That is indeed a thing. I work in a heavily Hasidic area, and they have people who can come around and turn off light switches and such.

let's do it!

WTF people. You all have more than enough money.

That top is disgustingly awful. I don't think I get fashion.

Hmmm didn't know that, so I appreciate the advice. I may have to try this with a few pairs. I have one pair that I've only ever washed once or twice because of such fears. Thanks for the tips!

Well I do kinda think it is a bit silly when I see someone with so many holes and grating marks and stuff on brand new jeans. I get that it is a style, but you could do that yourself so easily!

Hope so, cause that is my preference :P

What, really? I've been doing it wrong this time? Does that just prevent them from fading or something?

Anyone in Brooklyn wanna be my friend?

I'm sorry to hear that :( My mom has been unemployed for almost a year. Tough out there right now. Hope you (or anyone else that is looking) finds something soon!

"Constructed from a proprietary wool blend that renders them as low-maintenance as a pair of jeans..."

17 million reader circulation? HA!