
Iran’s theocratic nightmare of a regime, but Trump’s hand would screw that up mightily.

I am really frightened and disgusted by people that say “it’s time to come together”, “let’s heal the nation” and other weak “both sides” nonsense. Trump’s large minority of fascist/republicans are willfully ignorant and are quite frankly, evil in their intent. They don’t care that innocent people are murdered in the

I wish I was surprised by the fact that these asshole pieces if shit racist cretins in lizard suits who complain constantly about protests would be so fucking ingorant as to not know the name of a person for whom peopel were protesting even when it was mentioned multiple times on various newscasts.

We are living in the WalMart of countries.

Ammo sales are going through the roof right now. Bought some from a friend “in the know” this weekend. After seeing this farce last night before the game came on, I IMMEDIATELY hit up another source for magazines...

Some people have no taste.

Facts. I lost friends and loved ones to covid not because they didn’t take it seriously but the people around them, trumpers didnt take it seriously. I can’t have sympathy for the guy I’m full of fucking glee and I don’t want to pretend otherwise.

Now that I’ve slept on this, I have mixed feelings. Overall, I’m doing the schadenfreudiest dance I’ve ever fucking done, but I have some thoughts.

The way my petty is set up....

Seriously, they LITERALLY spelled it out...Eight (8) times.  Wonder why?  Because there are 8.  Case closed, Mic Drop, Bring in the Green Slime

I get how people might think it’s seven because of the little stutter... but if you pause the video at :07 it shows Nick written out eight times. Case closed.

this has been what’s getting me through today. reading that he’s not going to easily leave office, and the myriad of things that are going to happen as aresult of that; i needed to see this.

it’s like the world series all over again, but instead he’s wearing a mask. you can see the same “eeeeeeeugh” if you look hard

Why wouldn’t you suspect that?

I do too, because most pimento cheese is a lot of goop. This is one brand that was more nice thick-cut cheese and just enough goop to bind it.

Why do I suspect the sudden sorrow and philanthropy is tied to the loss of a customer like Costco and not a real bit of sorrow for racism?

Burn it down.

I literally have a huge tub of it in my refrigerator for my dad because he loves the stuff. I had no idea it was his wife’s recipe, which makes the packaging deception worse as most people aren’t visiting the site to look up the history. We won’t be buying it again. I’m sure I can find a similar recipe online. “The

Damn I love that cheese. Oh well, i’ll find a new brand. I wish them horrible luck!