
I'm so glad you turned out to be at least decent at your job.

He asked a question, I answered it and then explained my answer. Asking a yes or no question, means you get a yes or no answer.

You're so edgy, trolls everywhere are envious of you.

No, because it's still a lot of work to choreograph, program, and put it all together, and to those who haven't seen it, it's interesting. You didn't have to click on it, nor comment, so I suggest you and all the other "seen it before", "not that cool/new", "we know this is possible" commentors take your own advice

Then don't? I found his bad decisions made him more sympathetic, he's a socially awkward kid in a moment of panic, hours later he can't even speak coherently about his innocence. I have known people like that, who struggle to even make basic conversations because they're so awkward and nervous all the time, let alone

He just found the butchered body of a woman he met hours earlier, played some insane knife game and stabbed her and himself with the knife, he's probably terrified that the killer might still be in the house, while also realizing that his blood is on the possible murder weapon. Doesn't seem that ridiculous to me, the

Yeah, like instead of showing a few things that will clearly matter, they showed detailed shots of many things throughout the show, so nothing stood out as "that clearly means something", instead it was done in a way that all looks meaningful, but also natural to the show.

Friend of mine has a cat that spends a lot of time outside in downtown San Francisco, not quite NYC, I guess he planned on keeping it indoors once he moved downtown, but the cat wanted out so badly he gave in after a while…I know a lot of people have cats that go outside in big cities like that, and they manage just

The exact opposite actually, the requirement for faith in this show is sort of a faith against religion, if that makes sense. .it's more like a faith in other people, the show is about people dealing with a world where a lot of people vanished, good and bad people indiscriminately, so the religious world is kind of

no shit? people dying is worse than Polaroid film disappearing?

@beema I hate the Chris Hardwick AMC post-shows, but he's actually a really cool person. Can't hate the guy for taking a gig, he even admitted that the "Talking Dead" show was pretty lame, and a buzzkill with all the "HASHTAG SOMETHING OBVIOUS THAT JUST HAPPENED" crap.

So sad to see Futurama go…..again. I love this show so much… Matt Groening already said he's looking for a new home, and has no plans to stop it for good. But this was a fantastic ending for the Comedy Central run… I just don't understand why CC decided to cancel it, wasn't that the perfect home? Was it not getting

I have always loved cassettes…. They are my 2nd favorite format next to vinyl… There is just something special about mixtapes, there is a certain kind of love and care that goes into creating a mixtape that just cannot be reproduced with making a CD. The process of creating a proper mixtape is very personal, and

For the win? Not at all, Jesse screwed himself by teaming with Hank, he's going to end up dead or in jail, no matter what.

I really hate when people revert to someones past drug problems as an immediate insult. Poor Jesse, constantly being called a junkie, among other things, and accused of being "high" when Hank doesn't like what he did, and of course, "what, you mean the junkie murderer pissing all over my bathroom right now?" was just

I was excited the first time I saw Saul Goodman all those years ago, but I never imagined how amazing of an addition he was going to be. I genuinely felt really sad and scared for Saul when Jesse whooped his ass, and he was bloody, sounding all muffled and beat down, trying to get through to Jesse.

I miss Scrubs. What a fantastic show, such a smart, emotional show hidden behind the veil of a quirky sitcom full of sight gags and silly dream sequences. I used to watch it in syndication every day on comedy central, and like 10 other channels, despite seeing every episode like 20 times, but now I haven't seen it in

Am I the only person who's known what they actually look like for a long time now? I feel like I've seen them without their helmets tons of times.

I laughed so hard when Walt was in Sauls office, and Saul is talking about sending Hank to Belize, and Walt goes "Send him to Belize…. I'll send YOU to Belize" in like a joking, offhand manner, as if killing people isn't as routine as brushing his teeth at this point in Walts life. Saul has to be terrified of Walt

Yea, I used to dislike skylar, but she's one of my favorite characters, and think she's the only person who can actually help Walt, but he won't allow it. Also, if the show was reversed, and it was about what Walt did to her, rather than being about what Walt does, and she is just a side story that "nags" him for what