
@JGab: It seems more like a revamped online system to me.

@JGab: 3DSPlay was trademarked, so possibly that?

@Jordan White: I don't think it will go ahead of them, but rather boost them toward their direction.

@JGab: I really doubt 3G access, and the service for purchasable games would be 3DSWare. The Skype like feature would be over wifi, and feature video calling.

@Archaotic: That's a horrible estimate. The DS lite came out a year and 8 months after the original DS came out, the SP took two years to come out, and the DSi took two years after the lite. The only thing that's even close to that 6-8 month period was the DSi XL, which still took a year.

@Toshi: I think a global release (or at least North America and Japan) will be likely. The only reason the DSi and XL weren't released globally was due to the lack of a global announcement when they were first revealed. The 3DS has been revealed in both English and Japanese.

@Ryan_the_D: The Wii doesn't get anything for having one analog stick. Nintendo systems just do well without the second one. I don't mind the PSP's lack of a second analog stick, I just don't like how uncomfortable the one it has is.

@dracosummoner: Kid Icarus. I'd like to get the Ocarina of Time remake eventually, but it's not on my top want list. I've passed the game far too many times, and I'd prefer a Wind Waker port.

I predict a simultaneous release in Japan and North America, with a Euro release after. I expect the system to come out in November, like this article says. North America might get it later (about a day, since everything launches on a Sunday here, and on a Saturday over there. November 20th is a Saturday), but Europe

I don't get it. I don't find Farmville fun at ALL. I tried it, and it was such a waste of time.

@Polebull: To tell you the truth, I used to do other things while waiting for the water for my ramen to boil. I had to keep checking like every 5 minutes.

@Mad-Hobo: Nah, they're common glitches.

lol, I saw this on GoNintendo the other day. It reminds me of the time I bought a used copy of Pokemon Silver from Gamestop. I erased the previous file (which seemed freaking glitchy as hell) and started my own. Everything went okay until I decided to check my mail. There was one message, and it said one thing -

More Okamiden please.

@Culebra: I was about to post that the main thing TGS means to me this year is that the day it starts is only 2 weeks behind Nintendo's conference.

@wack0br: Yeah, I saw very little jaggies in the trailer. And Resident Evil Revelations looks even better.

@N●Gage Croal: Yes, it's starting off much better than the DS did, and our little dual screened friend has one of the most diverse and biggest libraries of this generation.

@N●Gage Croal: I tried not to add Japan only games. I want Jump Ultimate Stars though _<

@NarooN: Seems you like the VJ series, huh? XD