
@kaiman: Stop being ignorant, anything can come back at some point. I liked the day levels of Unleashed, so I think this is Sonic's comeback (to me, personally).

@kaiman: Metroid was dead for 6, sure there was no decline in quality in that time period (as there were no games), but a series can come back with something that looks quality (See: Kid Icarus Uprising, which looks good, better than Of Myth and Monsters).

@Vecha: Oh nevermind. I'm a failure at life, aren't I?

@Vecha: Yeah, much easier. But I was referring to color coding the buttons, which you seem to like to do.

@ddhboy: I was confused as to why they just didn't delete the click wheel from the current iPod Touch, as shown in the presentation. A widescreen makes more sense than a small square.

I'm going to continue my Zelda series walkthrough, and aim to finish OoS. It's taking me forever to beat it, but I think I'll just quickly rush through it now. I think it's a lot better than Ages, personally.

2 years ago, when I was 11, I was addicted to Call of Duty 4, and played it all the time online.

I'd like to see a mod with this Nyko Wii controller with M+ built in. Put the damn thing in a Wii controller, this thing is HIDEOUS! It can't be that hard of a mod to just solder the buttons to their designated spots... Right? I've looked inside a DS, GBC, and Gamecube controller, and the buttons are just held in

@Astro-Creature: Zelda Collection for 3DS please. I'd love The Wind Waker on the go :)

Why is Ocarina of Time so overrated? Yes, it was an AMAZING foray for Zelda in 3D, but it's been surpassed by other titles since then, and I honestly think A Link To The Past was better.

@trunkenmath: I'd honestly love to go to all of those places. But I can see where you're at, it'd probably get tiresome after a while. As a person who's never flown, I don't know.

I miss ramen. Ever since I started eating healthy back in April, I've lost 31 pounds at my peak, but I've only had ramen once since then... I'm a sad panda.

Wow, I was wondering if people were ballsy enough to take videos of this thing and openly post it on the internet. I guess people have more balls than that.

@Archaotic: I think Sega's always really liked Microsoft consoles a lot. There was a failed plan to include Dreamcast compatibility in old Xbox models, but it never made the cut.

@Hoagie_one: I'm 13, and my hands are pretty small...ish.

@mrln: I don't want to use emulation. It gets kind of annoying after a while.