Tooned In

The douchebag in Alias and the guy who offers Johnny Drama a shrimp puff are his most memorable roles to me, sadly not mentioned here.

I think these things are designed to appeal to the children and the teens and the excitable early 20 year olds. That why this cynical view of Corporate America, while appropriate coming from the reviewer, feels just a tad misplaced.
Fun can be fun, right guys? (I'll see myself out…)

Game Boy micro existed. Perhaps they should just re-release that.

While the non-BB related story is interesting its slow burn nature would seem kind of futile and almost meaningless without it turning into Breaking Bad territory. I like the fact that the storyline and these characters and this world has a reason to exist, and that we know its all going somewhere.

And thogh Timberlake was saddled with the $50 selfie fee, he could easily afford it