
-Amazons Atttack!: As a tie-in to Countdown, the whole Amazon invasion was really an elaborate plan by Granny Goodness, who was posing as Athena this whole time.

It would make sense that the crowd would cheer for Del Rio, especially since this is "Lucha Underground" territory.

Of course, when it comes to Bullet Club tag teams, I'd prefer the Young Bucks and their "superkick parties".

Translation Note: keikaku means planned.

If the American version follows the footsteps of the two-part Death Note movies of 2006, then the film could easily avoid the infamous third act.

When you opt to mute the main event and focus on Robot Chicken instead, then you know that what is supposed to be one of the biggest PPV's of the year is in deep trouble.


It has been done on Robot Chicken, with one skit in the recent season involving a guy who uses this twelve hour period to eat at a restaurant topless.

However, when it comes to the best documentary of the 1980's, Rocky IV has some tough competition in the form of Highlander.


Buy all our play sets and toys.

I'm sure people who watched Animaniacs before watching 1980's G. I. Joe would figure out the "viper" joke within seconds.

Full-time daya - time fe de bus ride-ah
Sunshine-daya - a time fe de bus ride-ah

Mr. Body Massage Machine go!!!

Either that or "America, F**k Yeah".

The Frank Miller stories set AFTER Year One (i.e. All-Star Batman and Robin; The Dark Knight Returns trilogy).

AKA the "Deadpool" from X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

If Snyder did use the Frank Miller stories for the inspiration for his Batman, then there lies another problem the film has: that's not the real Batman in these tales. That's Crazy Steve, the hobo who won the lottery, found a bat-suit, and started believing he actually is Batman.

…or we get the version of Mxyzptlk from the Alan Moore story "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow".

One small problem with the theory: we're dealing with THREE "Jay Garricks" here.