Too Much Cowbell

I realize it’s a Friday afternoon, but WTF is this? Two paragraphs of declarative “duh” that obviously hasn’t even been proofread? If this were a high school composition it would get an F.

I was like a lot of you commenting; I really hate the ugly-af bugeyed animation style (still do). After two seasons and the “Valentine’s Day Special” had already aired, I was finally goaded into giving it a try—and I gobbled it all up in one sitting. It’s that funny. It’s also poignant, insightful and endearing.

*checks it out on YouTube*

People are theorizing that this was viral marketing for the new film.

But it has to be an underage orgy.

Well, since you’re on a first-name basis with her, why don’t you just ask her yourself?

Because yes, it’s the Liberals who are waging class war, who dehumanize other people, who exploit the less fortunate and have no respect for human rights or human lives.

I stand by Dark Half being the worst piece of shit King ever wrote.

Roadwork, although it reads as a decent young-writer’s-first-novel, is more or less the same old Disaffected White Male tale exemplified by the film Falling Down—in other words, both trite and just a really, extremely bad fit for current times. I actually liked Rage much better (though I expect it has not aged well,

Of course it’s dirty. It’s “Why be one type of inanimate object that pleases men, when you can be a different type of inanimate object that pleases men?” 

He has virtually no staff left. No one with any competence (or the ability to see more than a year ahead, career-wise) will work for the WH.

Flesh + Blood can only be described as “amazeballs.” It co-stars a young and rather luscious Jennifer Jason Leigh as a sexually curious virgin. The opening scene is of a woman giving birth in a field of mud, and it only gets fleshier + bloodier from there. Really, everyone alive should see it at least once. 

How many people with talent of any kind have you known who have a conservative mentality?

Welcome to my world.  I’ve lived in the American South all my life.

You are wrong. If you are actually in a position to interview people for jobs, you either own a business, or are part of a business, that has attorneys. Check with them. Oh, and then kill yourself.

The Final Season

I’ve got no love for Pelosi—what happened to her spine?—but blaming her mild cattiness for anything this horrible man does or says is at best disingenuous and at worst, trolling.

Oh God. When I saw that (in the theater) I more or less literally lost my mind for about ten seconds. I actually tried to crawl under the seat in front of me and hide. I have no idea what goes on in the film for about 15 minutes following that scene.

I had nightmares for years.

I love this movie so goddamn much.  I finally went hunting for it on DVD and bought it.