Too Much Cowbell

Miller’s own family members have called out his awfulness.  Maybe he’s some kind of shitdemon changeling...?

Wrong take.

Yes and yes.

Zoe Saldana.

Puerto Rico was without power for eleven fucking months, you pouty plump little bloviating homunculus. You and your fellow whores did nothing and 3K Americans fucking died.  Shut the fuck up forever.

Yes and yes.

They are, in fact, a collection of slaves’ folktales, most of which, one can assume, originated in Africa:

WELL ACTUALLY, the “tar baby” story is an African folk tale.

I am old enough to have seen it in the 60s as a re-release. I might have been six or seven. I remember the story was pretty pat, the hybrid of live-action and animation was no longer the marvel it had been in the 40s (though it was interesting), and even as a white Southern child in the 1960s I found the stereotyping

The first season of this series was a goddamn travesty. That ending was a reversal—and a betrayal—of everything about Jackson’s novel. And never even mind that the plot 180 made no fucking sense.  (The Hill family?  The clock repairman?  Wat?)

No one from The Beatles ever funded a cult classic punk rock weird sci-fi movie!

Mueller led the team that disassembled the Gotti family. Unraveling that rat king took a long time, and Mueller took the time; he was meticulous, and he got it done right.

I remember one insomniac Saturday night when I flipped past PBS and this was airing. At two o’clock in the morning. And I thought, “Why would they air this TV show, which is aimed literally at infants, at this time of ni—oh.”

This is the best comment thread ever in the whole history of the Internet.

Stories involving “poop” and farting usually gross me out.  This is the first one to have earned a star from me (and doubtless will be the last as well).

Yeah, the woman who showed up in a fucking pantsuit.

Absolutely not.

I know what TheDudeAbides means, tho. First the Wolves were a mystery, then they slowly came into focus, becoming more and more scary; then there were strong implications that Enid had had contact with them—and then they were all exterminated in like one episode. It was a promising plotline that just got amputated

I hate him but he’s still not as bad as Lori was.