Too Much Cowbell

I thought at first that maybe someone had come up with a new material that could be transparent and also comfortable to wear…?
But no, the product description says "plastic." Ever worn a cheap plastic raincoat on a middling-warm day? Imagine that material wrapped around your legs and nethers, and nope along with me.

Was he riding a white horse, so at ease in the saddle that it looked like he was just sitting in a plush chair?
Seriously, once I noticed his horsemanship in Taboo I couldn't not marvel at it.
Someone cast him in a Western.

I should have loved that movie.
I should have enjoyed the pretty despite the stupid plot and terrible script.
But that movie was so bad that it ruined the pretty.
Tom Hardy AND Chris Pine and it was still not enough pretty—that's a bad fucking movie.

You need to see him in Lawless.

Penney's is ACES. I go to the checkout counter and they inform me of sales I had no idea were going on. It happens every. Time.
Bras are tricky and a good fit is very hard to find. I have no shame when it comes to finding bras—I'll go anywhere.

I haven't been in a TJ Maxx in some years, so you may be right. They used to just be a big walled area with piles of sad grubby merchandise.
Tuesday Morning is truckloads of 18-month-old gone-over shit that department stores and catalog retailers have despaired of ever getting rid of.

Sad upvote.

It goes: SteinMart, Marshalls, Ross, TJ Maxx, Tuesday Morning, Big Lots.

Not only is Ivanka's crap clothing having to slum it in SteinMart, it has to do so under an alias ferfucksake.

Ick!! …upvote.

I remember the story as a premise for (of all things) a Law and Order episode.

I had a pad of awesome Post-Its with a pic of an adorable Boynton bunny and the phrase, "Please Hassle Me—I Thrive on Stress" and I occasionally used them, but mostly hoarded them.
At some point during some move, I lost them.

At my first office job, my desk was next to the photocopier, and I could keep NOTHING on my desk. NOTHING. It didn't even matter that it was all the shittiest stuff—it would still walk off after about 5 minutes. I had to keep everything in a drawer—an INCONVENIENT drawer at that.

I was on Fentanyl for about four months. My doctor prescribed it, my pharmacist filled the prescription, and I took the stuff without questioning any of it.
In MY INDIVIDUAL case, it was probably necessary (I was enduring a particularly nasty round of chemotherapy). In fact, it may have saved my life by saving me

It was mis-marketed as a horror story when really it was an old-school Gothic romance with ghosts. It was fun. And gorgeous.

Holy Fucking Shit.
I played that fucking LP until you could see through it.
There has never been an intro to top "Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress" even though the song is not one of the immortals.

The cast looks nice but this looks extremely "affluent white male self-indulgence" to me.

No, that would be "Imogen Poots."

Call centers are the sweatshops of the 21st Century.

"Interpersonal skills" (i.e. not behaving so that your co-workers hate you) is recognized as an important professional talent. Being offensive to your co-workers in any way—speech, behavior, hygiene, cooking broccoli in the microwave—adversely affects productivity.