When people I share the road with engage in dangerous/stupid behavior, it's my business.
When people I share the road with engage in dangerous/stupid behavior, it's my business.
but you buy a bike like this for looks anyway, and the Guzzi has those, boy does it ever....
NASCAR has struggled to get on the national stage? What on earth are you talking about? Sure, it isn’t the NFL, but it dominates any other racing series and has for years. Decline or not it kills alms and indy.
More Gawker liberal activist “journalism”. Tiresome. No, I'm not a Republian.
Nothing. Next article please.
Two totally different cars. Case dismissed.
I was a military cop. I worked with state, county, and city cops in the bay area in the late 80’s until early 91. Cops are dudes, just like you and, well, me. I have gone 200mph on the street, done wheelies where I shouldn’t have, and crashed my ass off more than a couple of times. I’m older now, and don’t do that…
Looks positive, that floor tray or whatever it’s called is monstrous. Still think mechanical grip makes for better racing than aero grip. Drivers shouldn’t be able to go up Eau’ rouge flat out in my opinion, might as well have traction control again.
Well, enter “an insect bit my groin”, into the hall of fame for bullshit excuses after knowing you are screwed. We can put his trophy right next to Tiger’s “I am a sex addict.”
DGR can fuck itself directly in the poo chute. I was told to leave because my bike was not in keeping with the image they had in mind. Moronic elitist hipster dick sockets.
Here’s my view on the hipster phenomena- I build and ride what most people would call hipster bikes just because they are fun and (with skill) can look good. At the same time I can barely stand being around most of the people who ride bikes like this. Most of them have absolutely no mechanical or fabrication skills…
Well, if that isn’t the best dressed group of organ donors I’ve ever seen.
so everyone wears sub-par clothing that provides zero protection from the road? check.
Fuck these d-bags.